
Friday, March 21, 2014

2-Point Perspective Castles

5th grade students learned about 2-point perspective in art class and then used many creative details as they created their own castle life scenes.


Wild Things Sculptures

Kindergarten students read Where the Wild Things Are by author and illustrator Maurice Sendack and created drawings to plan for their sculptures that were inspired from his illustrations. Students demonstrated their knowledge of the difference in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional art as they created their creative creatures!



Gyotaku Fish Prints

Second graders are learning about the art of Gyotaku fish printing during their unit on printmaking. They are painting a background to create an environment for their fish and then cutting and pasting their Gyotaku prints onto their paintings to create a finished work of art.

Magritte One-Point Perspective Rooms

Fourth grade students are currently studying the work of surrealist artist Rene Magritte, and his use of scale to create surrealist images of room interiors. They students are applying their knowledge of one-point perspective as they create their room drawings and then using their own creative ideas to complete the details in their rooms including one large scale ordinary object.



Monday, March 10, 2014

Winter Landscapes

During this lesson, third grade students learned about space and perspective techniques used by landscape painters. Students also learned about folk artist, Grandma Moses, and her winter landscape paintings. Next, they created their own winter landscape paintings including a 3-dimensional barn.

Artist Day 2014

Our third annual Artist Day event was held at Barnwell on Friday, March 7th. Thank you to our wonderful PTA for organizing this great event for our students. Our students were able to rotate through a variety of presentations and workshops involving artists from many different genres and artistic backgrounds. What a wonderful way for students to learn first hand about the many options of art as a career! Below are just a few photos of some of the visual artists that visited Barnwell for artist day. Thanks again artists and our Barnwell PTA!


Friday, March 7, 2014

Cityscape Prints

First grade students studied about artist Georgia O'Keeffe's paintings of cityscapes as well as the architect John Portman and his famous hotels that he has designed in Atlanta, Georgia. Next, students created their own cityscape drawings in their art journals and used recycled objects and black paint to stamp lines and shapes to make their cityscape prints. Color was then added with chalk pastels to finish their beautiful works of art!